Niki’s Guide: set yourself up for success

Most students participate in various activities outside and within the school. Though advantageous to students, participation in extracurriculars can add stress.

Most students have experienced the stress of being late, unprepared, and looking frazzled. Though there are exceptions, this proves to be a choice in most cases.

Setting yourself up for success means taking five minutes to pick out an outfit, make lunch, and ensure all assignments are in your backpack ready to be turned in the night before.

Eliminating stress can be as simple as waking up twenty minutes earlier to decompress in the morning or leaving for school three minutes early to account for any red lights or traffic patterns that may cause delay.

Tackling assignments during downtime also lessens student stress and allows for more focused work than last minute finishing an assignment.

That nagging stress feeling causing slight tension in your body does not appear to be detrimental to students, however taking time to set yourself up for success can turn any busy student into the one that has it all together.

Students with inadequate memory can put reminders in their phones. Those constantly running late would benefit from planning out routes and leaving earlier. Those who procrastinate can give themselves earlier due dates.

The definition of “set yourself up for success” varies per individual, but each student can form a habit of eliminating smaller inconveniences allowing them to focus on life’s more demanding stresses.