Niki’s Guide: eat to fuel the brain

No car will run efficiently on the wrong kind of fuel. Human brains function the same way. Lack of nutrition is not only detrimental to the body, but the brain as well. Fueling the brain correctly can have a significant impact on brain power, focus, and efficiency.

Consuming antioxidants daily will assist in mental agility. Eating fruits and berries not only increase mental agility, but are the best type of carbohydrates for the body to convert to energy.

Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants and has small amounts of caffeine to keep your mind focused without the drawbacks of coffee or soda.

Food high in omega-3 proves to be an important factor in how the brain runs. Eating oily fish, seeds, and nuts will provide a sufficient amount of omega-3.

Importance lies in eating whole grains and vegetables as well. Tomatoes, spinach, and broccoli are superfoods to the body and have major benefits for function, concentration, and brain health. Whole grains will improve one’s glycemic index which will improve blood flow to the brain.

Aside from the scientific aspects of eating healthy, a proper nutrition can assist in self confidence. Someone with a higher level of confidence likely succeeds with more ease than someone without self confidence.