Niki’s Guide: succeed at snow days

Sophomore Jarrod May takes advantage of the snow day and enjoys the outdoors while working on homework.

Sophomore Jarrod May takes advantage of the snow day and enjoys the outdoors while working on homework.

Take advantage of snow days. Students were given an extra day at home due to bad weather conditions today.

Although many used this as an opportunity to relax at home, it could have also been used as a day to get ahead in schoolwork.

It is unlikely that there will be only one snow day. Keep a note of long term assignments to refer to when extra time is given. This will move student’s mindsets toward getting the work done when an unexpected day at home occurs.

For those caught up on all assignments, short and long term, take advantage of a day without any predetermined plans.

Use part of the day to check online and confirm there is no incomplete assignments, then the remainder of the day can be dedicated to television, video games, playing in snow, or even going to the gym.

Those who drive safely, get rest, and complete school assignments have had a successful snow day.