Got Green Days?

Got Green Days?

Due to the insane amount of snow this winter, Fairfax County Public Schools have had eight school closings.

In the beginning of March, the school board decided to make April 1st a “B” day, which is a green day at South Lakes. April 1st became a green day, meaning that there were three green days in a row. Five of the eight snow days that occurred this winter were on “B” days, which is the reason the school board decided to make April 1st a green day.

“I wasn’t too happy or sad about having three green days in a row,” Senior Patricia Groarke said.

Adding an extra green day would be a way for students to catch up in their green day classes. While some people liked having three green days in a row, others did not. There were pros and cons about them. Many enjoyed having SS for three days in a row, and could catch up on work, while some did not like going to the same classes for three days in a row.