Senior Karolina Bohn auditions to attend NYU

While most seniors were worried about what college to apply to and awaiting the news of being accepted or not, Karolina Bohn was auditioning fearlessly to get in to the school she wishes to attend. Being that Bohn has been acting since age 6, she has a lot more confidence then new comers on board.

“I woke up around 10:30am, got ready and put on my audition clothes.”

When asked Bohn what exactly audition clothes were she informed us that they’re typically supposed to be formal but still comfortable. As an example Bohn wears a maroon dress to attend her auditions.

“Before my audition I went to a diner called Cozy where I ate a lot last summer with my friends who go to NYU. Bohn said. So it was nice to go somewhere I was comfortable.”

After a response like that we began to wonder if the auditioning process was nerve wracking or uncomfortable. But Bohn let us know in an assuring way that for some it might be, but for her it’s not.

“I wasn’t nervous because I was really prepared and I’ve been auditioning for a while now so it was fine by me.” Bohn said. “After my lunch I went into the Tisch Building and waited for my audition where I ran into some old friends.”

The Tisch building, which is located on the NYU campus, is where the auditions for NYU are held. After some time of waiting all of the students awaiting their auditions were taken upstairs and split into groups.

“Within these groups we were taken into the room with the auditor and she had us do a group warm up.” Bohn said. “After the warm up we waited outside of the room and one by one we each went to audition.”

Each audition has the same requirement but all given differently. For Bohn’s audition, she performed two contrasting monologues and then was interviewed for 15 minutes.

“Some of the questions were very deep. Bohn said. “She asked about my family life, if I had any problems in my life and my future in acting, etc.”

After auditions Bohn and a friend she had been spending the day with ran into an old acting coach of theirs then the two wound up having a great conversation with a complete stranger.

“It was a great conversation, it lasted about half an hour but it’s funny because this random guy turned out to be the dean of admissions.”

After a long day of conversations and auditioning, Bohn met up with a group of friends at Washington Square Park and relived a fun past.

“We went and got Insomnia cookies which were our favorite place to go last summer.”

As the night fell, Bohn eventually headed back to her hotel room to retire and rest.

Bohn will know if she has been accepted or not by April 2014