Resolutions to add to your New Year’s list


2020 was an incredibly eventful year. From the deaths of many iconic and impactful celebrities, the Covid-19 virus pandemic, murder hornets, to the Presidential Election – there’s been no dull moment in the end of the 2010’s decade. Now with 2021, everyone is given a fresh start and resolutions are made to improve lifestyle choices and changes. Listed below are a few resolutions you should consider adding to your 2021 New Year’s resolution list! 


Do something that gets you out of your comfort zone

One of the best resolutions you can add to your New Year’s resolution list is to do something that gets you out of your comfort zone. This may sound a bit scary, but getting out of your comfort zone every once in a while is beneficial as it’s the best way to help you become more adaptable when change comes your way. To help get out of your comfort zone, start off slow – baby steps are crucial since they’ll help prepare you and let you know what your level of comfort is. For example, if you struggle with speaking up in class, start off with just sending messages in the groupchat/private teacher message whenever your teacher asks a question or if you have a question. Then, once you feel comfortable enough, progress from private chats and messages to turning on your microphone in class at least twice a month and so on and so forth. Getting out of your comfort zone might be nerve-racking and stressful, but it’ll benefit you in the future and help you cope with and adjust to change in a much easier way.


Learn how to cook

One of the most beneficial resolutions you can possibly add to your list is learning how to cook. Cooking is an important life skill people need to learn in order to take a step towards becoming more independent and self-reliant, especially for high school seniors who plan to move away from home and live in a dorm at college. If you plan on taking action and committing to this New Year’s resolution, a few of the best ways to learn how to cook/bake are: following a step by step recipe from a cooking website or cookbook, watching Youtube videos, or the most effective method – asking someone close to you to teach you. Learning to cook may be arduous and take more time than expected, but it’s crucial to know such an important skill for later on in life.

Watch a foreign language film

While this isn’t necessarily the most life-changing or exciting resolution, you should consider adding this to your list. Watching a foreign language film might sound pointless because how will you understand what’s going on in the film if you don’t even understand the language and how will you become invested in the plotlines and characters without any comprehension? Keep this in mind, English subtitles can always be used to clarify what’s being said so you can follow what’s going on throughout the film. Not only will watching a foreign film expand your horizons when it comes to the art of film, but it can also cross off the resolution where you “do something that gets you out of your comfort zone,” helping you kill two resolutions with one stone.


Read a book each month

A healthy resolution you should definitely add to your resolution list is reading a book each month, either old or new. Even though this may sound like a cliche resolution, reading a book each month is one of the healthiest ways to engage your mind by consistently reading just a few pages everyday. It doesn’t matter if it’s a book you’ve already read or a new book you’ve wanted to read, but the main key is to choose and read a book you’re interested in so you don’t lose focus or become bored. Not only will reading stimulate your brain cells, but it’s also a great way to transport yourself to another dimension while most importantly, limiting your use of social media and technology.

Create a dreamboard of your goals for where you want to be in 10 years

If you’re the type of person who enjoys visualizing your goals rather than imagining, a resolution you should add to your list is creating a dreamboard of your goals and all that you want in your life in 10 years. Making a dreamboard is the best way to visually represent the goals and desires you hope to achieve in the future, and it’s also the best way to put it out to the universe that these dreams, hopes and desires are what you plan on accomplishing in the future. 


Start taking photos of memories you want to remember

Despite the fact that life is short and throws challenging and sorrowful times at the most unexpected times, one of the most precious things life gives us is experiences and the memories we hold. Sadly, most people don’t have photographic memory and can’t remember every single thing they do in a lifetime, but photos and videos are the best way a person can look back on all the great times, which is why you should add this to your New Year’s resolution list. 


If you’re not a big fan of taking photos on your iPhone or phones in general, you should consider investing in a polaroid camera! They’re easier to take, big enough to fit into a purse or bag, more aesthetically pleasing and you can even write the date of when you took the photo on the white section below the photo. Taking photos throughout the year is a great way to stock up on memories so you can look back one day at what you’ve captured and reminisce rather than regret not having enough photos to look at.


Try a new hairstyle or dye your hair a new color

If 2020 just wasn’t your year and you’re looking for a drastic change in 2021, one of the best resolutions you should look into is trying a new hairstyle or dyeing your hair a new color. Although getting a new hairstyle/dyeing your hair will require you to alter your typical hair care routine and buy new products to ensure your hair’s safety and health, it’ll also help you start off 2021 with a new and improved version of yourself. Changing your hairstyle/color will not only start the new year off on a new note, but it can also boost your confidence levels and help you feel more comfortable in your skin because you have the decision to change your hair however and whatever way you want.


Volunteer in your community

A New Year’s resolution that’ll help you become more selfless and aware of what’s going on in your community is volunteering for events that take place in or near your community. With the pandemic, selflessness was one of the most important things highlighted as people started donating and raising money for protective gear to give to hospitals for the healthcare workers putting their lives on the line to help take care of their patients. Volunteering isn’t meant as a good way to look good on applications in the future, but it’s a selfless and humbling experience because you’re getting to see what goes on in your community (or a nearby community) by helping others with the reward of giving back.


Give your room a makeover

Since it’s the beginning of a new year and the slate is wiped clean for everyone, a resolution that should be added to your list is giving your room a makeover. While this isn’t a necessary resolution and adding it to your New Year resolutions list is completely optional, giving your room a makeover would be a positive way to start off your 2021 – by starting with change. If you do decide to give your room a makeover, don’t go all out or drastically change your room! Instead of buying completely new furniture, consider adding or redoing minor aspects of your room. You could repaint your room another color you’ve become more interested in, you could buy a collage kit and place it on the wall behind your bed, you could buy LED lights and add a new vibe to your room, so on and so forth. The world of room makeovering is your oyster and you’re free to explore your inner interior decorator persona.