Work experience as a high-schooler
As high school students, this is our time to shine, grow, and experience. This early in our lives we should all be exploring what we want to be later in the future. With all the time we have to spend, what better way to do it than experiencing the work life. The obvious benefit of having a job is earning cash for either personal wants or needs. No matter how much money you’ll make, you’ll be using that knowledge from work later in your life.
Through working various gigs, mostly walking and babysitting dogs, I have learned to manage my time so I can fulfill my obligations towards my job, along with the demands of schools and other activities. I also learned how to effectively communicate with others to establish a good relationship. Having good communication with any of your co-workers or clients is important to avoid having misunderstandings and to make sure objectives are clear.” Mads Marthenson, South Lakes junior, had this to say in regards to the subject.
“Working as a high schooler has helped me not only have some money in hand but also have an impact on the community. Working as a swim instructor for Reston Community Center, I see many children come in with a smile on their faces, ready to learn something new. In my opinion, I believe swimming is a very important skill that most people should know. Swimming can be fun and can maybe even save your life. There, every child that comes through and out the doors of Reston Community Center learns something that will very much be useful. That is why I believe working has helped me grow as a person and help the community.” Julian Gonzales, junior added.
“Having a job has helped me appreciate the time. I feel like I don’t have as much time to myself for going out and doing my hobbies, but it also helped me appreciate money more and the hard work that goes behind it. I try to save up for myself in the future and for college. Working as a waiter specifically has helped me become more outgoing. Talking to more people and making conversations.” Vladimir Acevedo, senior, stated. He ends off with. “If you’re thinking of getting a job, try to make sure it’s a good environment for you.”
There are a variety of experiences that high school students can go through, ranging from simple to very useful. Competing in sports, playing in a band or exploring colleges. Having a job is one of those experiences that will help you grow and come to appreciate things in the future. Explore different kinds of jobs. As long as you love what you’re doing, jobs will provide great experience.
Nau Hernandez is a junior at South Lakes and this is his first year of journalism. He is a staff writer and super excited to write for the South Lakes...