Wrapping up first quarter virtually

Image via Syracuse University

As the first quarter closes up, many students get a break for the Thanksgiving holiday.


Although the first quarter started off rough virtually for new students and freshmen, teachers and staff tried their hardest to help them adapt to online learning. Many teachers have shown videos during the seahawk seminar/SS to students regarding how the schedules work, what the school looks like (tour), and introduced the seahawk scoop. They were able to share videos on how students can organize their work, schedules, and BBCU links. These videos came in handy but didn’t stop students from facing other challenges like problems with BBCU, microphones, and slow laptops. 


So many things are different and ever-changing online and students have to figure out how to use other apps and links for their classes. Many teachers use common websites like NoRedInk, Flipgrid, and Peardeck for new lessons or interactive slides. For gym classes, teachers use Flipgrid for students to record themselves and send once they are finished with the videos. This makes it easier for them to grade and see that students are actually doing as told. Along with that, they make the videos private so students feel less awkward.


When the first quarter closed up and the second quarter arrived, the majority of students found a rhythm or a routine to follow so they didn’t face future problems. These routines consist of homework, going outside and finding time for yourself. 


In order to pass, some students found ways to finish work before due dates and ask teachers for more time, if needed. Another downfall is that students aren’t able to communicate or meet with others in person. So for new students, it’s really hard to get through a class, especially when they have questions to ask other students — instead of their teachers.  


“I guess lack of communication or explanation with teachers is one of the downfalls,” sophomore Maxine Yumul said.


Because of the lack of physical and emotional connection, it’s less likely for students to try and turn on their cameras. Unlike in face to face school where it’s easier to connect with others immediately, you can’t just build that type of bond and trust online. In order for most teachers to get students to turn on their mics, some just turn off the chat or when one person talks, it leads to others talking as well which makes it way easier for some teachers to converse with them. Even though online school started rough, these little conversations make most of these times feel bearable.