Students go all out on Destination Day

Students are seen dressed up as their respective class cities during lunch.

Students are seen dressed up as their respective class cities during lunch.

Spirit Week is almost over with Destination Day being the fourth day. Students dressed up according to the cities assigned to their classes. Freshmen dressed up as Vegas, sophomores as New Orleans, juniors as Nashville, and seniors as Honolulu.

Seniors came in first place today with 69% participation. Sophomores came in second place with 66%, juniors in third place with 51%, and freshmen in fourth place with 27%.

Spirit week will end tomorrow with blue and green day being the last day. The pep rally will be held tomorrow beginning at 1:05 p.m. The homecoming parade is from 5-6 p.m. at Hunters Woods shopping center. The homecoming varsity football game is against TJ and starts at 7:30 p.m.