The chemtrail conspiracy: What it is and whether or not it’s true

Pic by Adrian Pingstone, Wikipedia

If you’ve ever looked up at the sky, and noticed a white streak, almost like a cloud, trailing behind an airplane, you’ve witnessed the formation of what scientists call “contrails”, a nickname short for condensation-trails. The almost white-crayon-looking markings are defined as condensing water vapor trails produced by airplane engine exhaust, consisting of either the gaseous H20, or ice crystals. 

The length of time they persist varies from several seconds to a few hours, depending largely on the temperature and humidity,” according to Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.

This simply means that that the length of the streaks in the sky depends on the temperature outside.

While these tracks in the sky might look a little suspicious to a curious kindergartener, five year olds aren’t the only ones stumped by the mysterious looking lines. People began overthinking every little thing up into a conspiracy, many never really tend to catch on.

A large amount of circumstances also play into what the population will believe, such as failure in government responsibility, corrupt politics and/or natural disasters or outbreaks.

This theory for example, came to be as a result of a trend in human irritability, and the release of an intentional weather modification report issued by the US Airforce in 1996. Since then, people have been conspiring that the government has been poisoning people through airplanes and their “contrails”, renaming them “chemtrails”, or chemical-trails, for better leverage on establishing a catchy nickname for the theory.

These theories were proven wrong in 2013, when a man named Edward Snowden exposed highly confidential CIA and NASA information, trying to disprove the theory, and evidently ended up exiled in Moscow, Russia. The government has seemed to be fairly on the low about the event, aside from multiple news sources reporting on it.

People will truly believe what they want to, no matter how ridiculous the reasoning may sound. If it gives them an answer to blame, instead of face a reality, it will satisfy their insecurity just as well as any type of validity, proving them to be correct, would. 

Everything is about going viral these days, and nothing can really be taken seriously, unless that’s what they want you to think…