New skills to learn during quarantine

In case your quarantine days haven’t been filled with countless thrilling activities or endless enlightening excursions, but instead Netflix marathons with occasional refrigerator visits, here are a few things to get you on your feet (which also happen to come with rewarding products).

To be plain, this is the right place to look if you are searching for a new hobby to pick up, or skill to learn, while on lockdown.

To start off with a classic, this esteemed talent is widely regarded as impressive. It is very easily learned, yet so few people really know how to properly do it. Juggling: the party trick that never seems to get old, although often still understood to be more in the “Dad joke” category, rather than in the impressive “chick magnet” grouping. The art of juggling is a tough one to master, but countless hours of YouTube juggling tutorials litter the internet. Practicing is crucial, and whether you use three real juggling balls, tennis balls, baseballs, or even small oranges or apples, just try not to drop them. The trick is easy to pick up, and frankly, you’ll be doing a lot of picking up practicing your newest skill (pun intended).

Moving on from new ways to impress your friends, this hobby will not only keep you occupied, but it’ll help out your closet in this fashion detaining lockdown. If you don’t trust in the online shopping industry, trying out knitting or crocheting. It might be of help to your stylish needs. Like juggling, and practically anything these days, there are so many different tutorials on YouTube to learn from! For anyone interested, this past-time isn’t just for your grandma, you could catch yourself spending an entire day happily occupied, crocheting a trendy top or knitting a cute beanie. Although it is a more detailed oriented and coordinated hobby, knitting is really for anyone willing! Popular crochet tops often sell at retail prices upwards of 30 – 50 dollars, whereas a hook and some string only cost you about $10. The next thing you know, your isolation sleep patterns will turn into crochet blanket patterns, and your wallet gets a much  needed quarantine of its own.

If using your hands to try something new is too much of a ‘cliche’ and you’re not looking to try that “child’s play,” possibly learning a new language will fancy your brain waves. Learning a foreign dialect is not only an easy eye catcher on future college and job applications, but it also allows you to dive into a new culture and explore what different languages, and their countries, bring to the world. Knowing how to speak in the tongue of a foreign land is obviously a plus when vacationing out of the country, it also allows you to take your experience to the next level and truly live in a place that some might consider paradise. You may have to wait on that plane ticket to France, for now.

For those wanting to set aside the brain food, and focus more on their real food, baking bread or other sweets is a skill many can easily improve on with a simple recipe. Cooking and baking take some practice, but are surely worth the time and effort when the oven produces such delectable aromas. The smell of brownies or cookies is always a comfort in a house in need of some freshly baked bonding.

For now, many people will hold up on the couch or sleep until noon; yes, quarantine is quite a bore, but it is also no joke, and that’s okay. Please stay safe and stay inside. Besides, your fridge might get lonely too.