Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a newly released show on Disney + that has been a big hit so far. The show follows a young boy, Percy, who finds out his father is a Greek god, making him a demigod. Percy and his friends are given a quest to find Zeus’s lightning bolt while monsters and the Underworld try to stop them.
The series is based on the popular five book series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan. The show will have a total of eight episodes. The episodes come out every Tuesday night, 9pm eastern time and 6pm pacific time. The television series stars Walker Scobell as Percy Jackson, Leah Jeffries as Annabeth Chase, and Aryan Simhadri as Grover Underwood. The series is produced by John Carton and created by Rick Riordan.
The show got 96% Rotten Tomatoes rating with critics saying, “It’s a faithful adaptation of the book series.” It also got a 7.5/10 on IMDb ratings with viewers stating, “The quality and attention to detail exceeded my expectations, promising an engaging series that captures the essence of the beloved books.” The show has allowed many long time fans of the Percy Jackson books to reconnect with the series, storyline, and characters. It has also introduced new fans to the Percy Jackson universe and its books.
The book series was a massive success in the late 2000s and the television series seems to be following in its footsteps. It’s expected that the series will have a total of five seasons in order to follow the book series. The show only has two episodes left in season one and the fans are ready to see what happens next.