Seniors Feelings about Graduation and Future Plans
The Class of 2022 has been counting down the days until June 2nd for what has felt like forever. Yet the wait is almost over as graduation is just around the corner. The emotions surrounding this exciting time vary depending on the person: Some are ready to move forward and start their next chapter, meanwhile, others are nervous and not as prepared.
“It is bittersweet. I am going to miss everyone and the memories but I am excited for the next part of my life,” stated Audrey Gulgert. Audrey feels just as prepared as she can be right now. Despite being ready to graduate, she is slightly nervous about how independent she will have to be in college. Audrey and her family are proud of all her accomplishments, and are looking forward to seeing her new ones in the future. These four years have aided her growth as not only a student but as a person. She has learned new lessons that she will take with her for the rest of her life.
Times like these are different for everyone. Senior Joel Myrick is “sad to leave the strong friendships he has formed throughout the last four years.” Joel has grown extremely close with the whole senior class and believes they are very accepting of all. He will never forget those who made such a huge impact on his life. Although he feels this way, he is “excited to leave and move onward.” In terms of his post-graduation life, he is not certain on exactly what he desires to do or what his next step is. It is okay to have an unknown future and still be deciding your future. Joel has many different options in front of him. He is unsure about college as of now, and even considering the possibility of taking a gap year. Another option is attending community college and getting his associates degree.
“It is going to be hard saying goodbye to some of my best friends,” Noah Brogan shared. Noah has had a crazy four years and made endless memories, he is ready to walk across the stage and head to Florida. He will be attending Florida Southern College for baseball. It is going to be a significant adjustment, being out of state without those he has had by his side for so long. However, he has a strong passion for baseball and cannot wait to see all he will accomplish and face the challenges that may come along with that.
Whether seniors have a plan or not, they are ready to walk across the stage. Everyone’s feelings and plans are distinct and there is no incorrect path. It is not easy adapting to such a large change, but many feel prepared to jump into it. The goodbyes will be difficult, but we must remember once a Seahawk, always a Seahawk.
Paige Paulikonis is a senior at South Lakes High School and this is her first year in journalism. She enjoys being involved in the community and is always...