Chess Club begins year with 50 participants


The chess club group is run after school by teacher David Chase on Wednesdays in room 268.

The group is open to anyone who’s interested in playing chess and knows how to play the game. The club goes from right after school to 4 p.m. where they play games and go by the Ladder tournament. The Ladder tournament is a sequence for any sport in which can go on forever. In the ladder tournament players are listed as if they are on the rungs of the ladder and the objective is to reach the highest rung. There are a total of 50 participating students within the club.

“The group is very fun and social, with very nice people,” Senior Fedor Ouspensky said. “When I came last year the group was small and now it’s worked into a big group this year.”

“I’ve played chess since I was five, I love to play the game and think it’s a ton of fun,” Sophomore John Ryan said.

“I’ve played since kindergarten and find it fun,” Freshman Miranda Masters said.

“I think that the after school club is a lot of fun, and there’s a really good group of guys and girls to play the game with,” Chase said. “Beating the kids is my favorite part.”

Chase played chess in high school, he really enjoys the game.

So those who are interested in joining come after school and give it a try.

“You don’t have to be the greatest to come, there are kids at every level and it’s all fun,” Chase said.