Junior Virginia Bulger wins Virginia DECA presidential election

Junior Ginny Bulger will be sworn in as the 2014-15 Virginia DECA president June 1. She is currently the district 14 president.

Bulger has participated in DECA since her freshman year. She served as a class representative during her freshman year and an executive officer as a sophomore.

“I was actually at orientation,”Bulger said. “I was an intern in marketing, and the senior who was the school president of DECA  was there, and he was talking about it and how cool it was. I remember texting my mom because my mom used to work for the school system.I asked ‘Do you know what DECA is, and should I do it?’ and she replied ‘It’s great, do it!’”

Bulger experienced success early in her DECA career.

“I signed up for this competition, did the studying, and qualified for states, which was really exciting as a freshman,” Bulger said. “After that I kind of got addicted to it.”

Bulger ran for secretary during in her sophomore year, but lost.

“It was kind of devastating,” Bulger said. “That’s what happens when you put your whole everything into something and then lose. I was thinking I’m done with DECA. But then I went to the international conference and I just decided that I wasn’t going to let this loss kill me. I told my teacher that I was going to run again, go big or go home, and now I’m the president.”