Senior shirts made by Seahawk artist Valeria Beauchamp
The class of 2021 has faced a year lacking the traditions, events and the senior memories so many students looked forward to making during their time at South Lakes. While these students haven’t had the chance to pack into the pep rally decked out in orange or see final performances in the Little Theatre, some students are finding ways to creatively connect and find some semblance of class spirit.
Valeria Beauchamp, a South Lakes senior, took to her art account in early March to announce the launch of her Class of 2021 shirt line. The shirts featured her designs on a number of different colored backgrounds and could be purchased on her Etsy shop for $21, with sizes ranging from adult smalls to 5XL. The shrits used Beauchamp’s classic style, and included images like flowers, records and ‘21.
Students immediately got excited about the products, rushing to order and praising the effort Beauchamp put into them. One student commented on the announcement post, “Cannot stop looking at these. They’re amazing…” The Instagram reveal is currently the most liked post on her art account.
The artist behind the products talked with the Sentinel about her process, inspiration and senior year.

What inspired you to make these shirts?
I’ve wanted to make shirts for quite some time now, but I didn’t necessarily have the confidence to really believe that I could make something that people could relate with and want to wear. I had originally been asked to create a design for our senior class shirt, but when we started encountering logistical problems with the design, it seemed like things just weren’t going to work out.
The senior council was incredibly supportive of my work, and it really meant a lot to me that they advocated for me and were passionate about what I had created. I became inspired to sell the shirts by myself, and it has turned out to be a great success. Even so, when I first posted the shirts online I had no idea how much love and sweet messages I was going to receive. I am very thankful for it having decided to put my work out there, and I’m happy to be spreading some love during these continuously unprecedented times.
What art have you made at South Lakes before?
I have been working on a mural in one of the stairwells of the school since the summer of last year. I look forward to finishing it soon!

Are you planning to pursue art as a career or in college?
I am looking to study environmental sciences in college with hopes of infusing it with art. I am very excited to see where it takes me!
What inspired each of the designs?
I wanted to create a design that expresses unity and strength during these difficult times. I believe music has a universal significance that everyone can relate to, and so the thought of creating an album cover was very exciting to me. The concept of making a vinyl record cover was especially intriguing to me because I thought the old school touch would resonate with more people.
What has the response been to your shirts?
It has been overwhelmingly loving and supportive, and I just could not have asked for anything better to come from it. I made the designs with a lot of care, but with the main purpose in mind of reigniting the sense of unity that we Seahawks are proud to have, for our school and for one another.
Helen is News Editor, Editor-In-Chief, founder and manager of the broadcasting department. She is the head manager of the Sentinel's social media. She...