Administration readies to install security cameras throughout campus

Security cameras will be installed in nine  different locations around the building’s  perimeter as an extra safety precaution. These cameras will monitor all entrances, parking lots, and fields. The school plans to place cameras on the inside as well when funding becomes available.

“The cameras will allow us to monitor movements on campus, both during the school day and after hours,” Principal Kim Retzer said.“The last time I inquired, 23 of the high schools had cameras, so we are one of the few who do not have them yet.”

A recent poll found that 58% of students disapproved of the installment of the cameras. Many students did not like the idea of the
administration watching their every move.

“I am against the security cameras being installed in the school,” junior Anya Walker said. “I can see how it is necessary safety measures that should be taken, yet, it adds to the lack of privacy that the student body already does not have. It is strange to feel that someone is watching your every move.”

Some students, however, believe putting cameras around the school could help solve issues, including theft and inappropriate behavior.

“I think that installing security cameras is a good idea because someone stole my phone at school,” senior Sophia Hamidy said. “It took them a long time to locate my phone. It would have been easier to find the person who took my phone if security cameras were in place.”

Members of the security staff will watch the  footage on monitors in the office.

The security cameras will help security cover more area than they could walking around the school.

“It will without a doubt improve the security around the school,” school resource office Scott Bacon said. “The security staff is stretched kind of thin. During lunch, most of the security is either in lunch or grabbing their own lunch. I am usually the only one patrolling the school so it will be a great addition to the security tool box.”