Students reflect on price of prom

As prom night approaches, students are mindful of what they are spending. Between dress clothes, transportation, food, and tickets, the prices of prom can add up quickly.

For the men, prom entails not only one’s own expenses, but his date’s as well.

Junior Karl Howley hopes to make a perfect night for his date. However, it comes at a price.

“The tuxedo is two hundred dollars,” Howley said. “Prom tickets are $120, the bus is $120, and dinner is $80. The cost of prom is so high because you want everything to be perfect.”

Many groups share the price of a party bus and generally go out to dinner beforehand. Those paying for both themselves and a date can raise prices into the hundreds.

Some girls prefer to split some of the costs to lower the financial burden on their dates.

“The dress is the most expensive part of prom,” junior Simran Dhungel said. “I like to split some of the costs because prom can get really expensive for the guys because they are expected to pay for more.”

For some, prom is not worth the price. Senior Suvritt Ramanand decided to skip the event because of the high costs.

“Prom is $60 for the ticket alone,” Ramanand said. “With tuxedos on top of that and other little expenses bringing up the price, it would be cheaper to just have a party at your house.”