The Reston scholarship fund: how it can help students like you!
Attention rising South Lakes seniors! If you are looking for help with the daunting cost of college, check out the Reston Scholarship Fund!
The Reston Scholarship Fund was started by a woman named Liz Blankespoor. Liz and her husband, Gil, went to a local resident and learned from one of the waitresses that her daughter had just gotten into a four year college, but she was struggling to pay for it. The waitress was working two jobs, while her husband was working three. Liz and Gil agreed that this was unbelievable—and started the Reston Scholarship fund to help support families like these.
The Scholarship only funds South Lakes seniors who are planning to attend either George Mason University or Northern Virginia Community College. The 10 seniors who receive the fund will get $16,000, and can choose how they will use the money over the course of six years.
Ms. Garcia, the teacher for the avid class here at South Lakes, had Liz come in to inform her students about the scholarship and how it was started. After Liz had left, two of her students came up to Ms. Garcia and told her that the waitress Liz and Gil were determined to help was actually their sister. Ms. Garcia told the newspaper their family was extremely grateful for the financial assistance.
“The scholarship has helped so many South Lakes seniors and is a really really great organization.” Ms. Garcia told the newspaper. “I definitely recommend seniors to apply if they need any financial assistance!”
You can find more information about the scholarship on their website, , and on your FCPS Naviance account.

Hannah Siraj is a Senior at South Lakes as well as the Broadcast Editor for the Sentinel. This is her 4th year writing for the newspaper. She enjoys writing...